
General Testimonials

You are radiant…you have more soul in your little finger than others have in their whole bodies. You are inviting and welcoming. You are a powerful writer and speaker…a Bodhisattva.

Melissa C.

I am overjoyed to witness such a pure, gentle soul shine so bright! You are the real deal.


Yoga Nidra Testimonials

Never expected to be where I am today. But it’s better than what I had in mind. Thank you for what you do. Truly it has been so meaningful to be in your class…on many different levels.

Sara B.

Last night…all the things you say, talked about, and poses we did…well helped me to just be in the anger and then surrender. The meditation just allowed me to be deep in rested state…Your Sunday class is so effective in my healing process.


I wanted to thank you for the meditation today…You wrote some beautiful imagery and I’m still knocked out that you invest so much into this class and I’m grateful. Anyway thank you. Today’s meditation was particularly pertinent to me and I walked out of class on a cloud.

Lynne M.

…the yoga and meditation classes of Roger Mallory made a profound impact in my Yoga and self-discovery journeys. I had profound experiences during his guided meditations – all of them written by himself.

Ana R.

The best way I can describe my experience is as if I’m walking down a staircase. The further you go, the deeper I get, until I’m completely absorbed in the world you’ve created and have left the real one behind. I guess it takes me out of myself? Many times, although not with all of them, I do feel deeply relaxed…I’d say “transported”.

Susan Y.

Thank u for dragging me out of my Sunday slumber into an even more elevated Nidra. [I] feel hyper energized now.

Arthi S.

Thank you [communicated to a 3rd party] for introducing us to Roger. We are in love with his classes. As a matter of fact, my husband will join us for the Sunday morning [Yin and Yoga Nidra] session.

Lolitha B.

You have a blessed mind and so much creativity and so much knowledge inside you. Please, keep sharing your light!

Ana R.

…I felt the waves you spoke of…because I was in and out of some place that I don’t have the depth of understanding to articulate…

Maria C.

Yoga Testimonials

Thank you for being our yoga teacher! You are an awesome teacher!

Olivia S.

In all my years of practice, I’ve never been to any other yoga class that has the sense of community that your classes have…it’s real and it’s special and I’m so delighted to be a part of it.

Susan Y.

I cannot tell you how much that class meant to me, and everything you taught us. I loved it…Wow. You’re so awesome, Roger. I am so happy I reminded myself how much I love your classes, and how much I take home from them every time…

Debbie P.

Brain Longevity Testimonials

…I’ve been thinking about your class all day and I’m so glad I went. I was incredibly impressed with all the info you presented and your fabulous handouts. I feel like I learned so much life-changing information in a very short period of time and I can’t thank you enough for doing the class. Please LMK when you offer it again so I can share it on Facebook…

Paula F.

…I just wanted to thank you so much for a wonderful presentation! You blow me away with your knowledge and communication skills. So much meaningful material that you went through beautifully! It was a blessing to be there and a part of the group…I have no words to express my marvel with your knowledge and ability to express and share with the world what you know. You’re AMAZING!

Kim H.