Services Offered

Opening Body. Opening Awareness. Opening Heart.

Expert, Original Guided Meditations of Individuals and Groups

Facilitating/leading guided meditation experiences using a syncretic, but traditional “Yoga Nidra” (see “Details…” below) multi-stage process for corporate management and/or employees, professional associations (e.g., local and state bar, teachers, nurses/medical workers, et al.), conference attendees, as a gift or reward to select employees, individuals seeking profound relaxation and/or to experience/learn about the practice of meditation, etc.

Details of Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation

  • Each guided meditation is an original creation of Roger Mallory.
  • Duration: Flexible. Can be adjusted to fit your need; from 20 to 40 minutes. To improve the quality of your experience, Roger recommends he be allowed 10 to 20 minutes before guiding you in this unique and powerful meditation process, to introduce key understandings, basic instructions, etc.
  • May be experienced after a physical yoga practice that Roger can lead, or as a stand-alone experience.
  • No meditation experience required as Roger will expertly guide you every step of the way; teaching you much about meditation, generally, in the process.
  • The process and key concepts originate in Eastern wisdom traditions; not any religion. Some concepts to which Roger may allude are considered by many as “mystical” and/or “spiritual”, but the beneficial experiences are not diminished if the participant(s) doesn’t identify as a “spiritual” person.
  • Each utilizes a wisely sequenced, stage-by-stage approach. This allows the person(s) guided to achieve the deepest level of relaxation available, and integrate mind and body, before experiencing an enriching “journey” via expert story writing and telling. Roger uses rich imagery, expert pacing, and his carefully modulated and soothing voice to fully and deeply engage all the sensory systems for an optimal experience on each occasion.
  • Benefits include rapid, and very deep relaxation and restoration equivalent to several hours of high quality sleep. Other benefits, supported by science, include rapid and profound stress reduction, the body’s release of 65% more dopamine (a “feel good” neurotransmitter which also improves blood flow), accessing Delta brainwaves while conscious, reduction in blood pressure and cholesterol, improved body regulation of glucose, etc.


Yin Yoga Class

Approximately the first one-half of Roger’s personal history of yoga practice (beginning at the age of 17), and teaching was in various types of Hatha yoga, and, various forms of meditation. The second half has been mostly Yin yoga and various forms of meditation, pranayama, bandha kriya, etc. Roger now concentrates, mostly, on guiding meditations as explained herein, and teaching Yin yoga multiple times each week in studio classroom settings, to many students. Roger has spent many hours teaching/guiding beginners through advanced practitioners in a Yin yoga practice before leading them on a 40 minute guided meditation experience of his creation. Yin and Yoga Nidra practices may be linked or offered separately to individuals or groups.

Roger’s yoga/meditation experience, training and certifications

Roger’s Yin Yoga class at Lotus Pond Center for Yoga and Health in Tampa, FL (Citric Park)

Roger’s Yin Yoga class at Lotus Pond Center for Yoga and Health in Tampa, FL (Citric Park). Click or tap image to view a larger version.

Workshop Presentation – Topic: Optimal, Science-Based Tactics to Prevent, Slow, Stop and Reverse Cognitive Decline From Alzheimer’s Disease


In 2022, Roger became certified as a “Brain Longevity Therapy Specialist” by the non-profit, M.D.-founded and directed Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation.

As of March 2024, Roger has presented 6 successful workshops on this topic; to live and Zoom attendees inside and outside the U.S. The relevant tactics, include, but are not limited to diet, vitamin/supplement use, specific exercise, a focus on high-quality sleep, removal of specific mycotoxins from home & office, a unique, powerful and highly engaging form of meditation, etc.

Only cutting-edge, science & medical-based findings and recommendations supported by multiple professional and reliable sources are presented. Roger has no affiliation with any manufacturer of the products he mentions, nor is any manufacturer endorsed, nor products sold at these events.

No prior education or experience required to receive the maximum benefits from the information curated and provided.

This video is offered only as a sample of Roger’s voice/presentation qualities as the content includes a reference to a past (not an upcoming) workshop Roger provided on the same topics.

Yoga/Meditation Teacher Training

Roger has provided over 1,000 hours of yoga and meditation teaching; almost all in live classroom settings, to beginners through advanced students, and fellow teachers. Roger is currently preparing the training materials and class plans for May 2025 teacher training in the creation and performance of guided meditations intended to lead students in achieving a Yoga Nidra state of consciousness and to provide them the benefits listed above.

Roger’s approach will be syncretic and not intended to promote a single Yoga Nidra lineage. Roger is also preparing, as stated above, to provide teacher training in Yin Yoga.